our service


Driving the digital automation of your business with innovative solutions

Optimize your operations, reduce costs, increase efficiency and unleash the potential of your team with our automation solutions


At NeuronaLABS we are committed to helping you harness the power of automation to achieve your business goals.

Reduce errors | Increase efficiency | Respond faster and with greater quality | Reduce costs

Boost your business with intelligent automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

We use software robots to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks. Bots can interact with existing applications and systems to perform processes that previously required human intervention

Benefits and Examples

What is it?
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that allows the creation of “software robots” that imitate the actions of a human user to perform repetitive and tedious tasks in computer systems.


  • Greater efficiency and productivity: Software robots can perform tasks much faster and more accurately than humans, significantly increasing efficiency and productivity.
  • Cost reduction: Automating manual tasks can generate significant savings in operational costs.
  • Improved quality: Software robots are less prone to human error, which improves the quality of work and reduces costs associated with errors.
  • Greater agility and scalability: RPA solutions are easy to implement and scale, allowing companies to quickly adapt to changes in the market.


  • Automation of data entry tasks: Extracting data from documents, updating records, sending emails, etc.
  • Automation of billing processes: Generation of invoices, sending invoices to clients, payment tracking, etc.
  • Customer Service Automation: Answer frequently asked questions, process support requests, resolve technical issues, etc.

Intelligent Automation

Combine RPA with Artificial Intelligence (RPA+AI) to perform more complex and adaptive tasks. It allows bots to not only follow predefined rules but also make decisions based on data and machine learning.

Benefits and Examples

What is it?
Intelligent Automation combines the power of RPA with artificial intelligence (AI) to create more sophisticated and adaptable solutions. Software robots can learn from data and make decisions in real time, allowing them to perform more complex tasks and automate processes that were previously impossible.


  • Greater efficiency and productivity: AI can automate even more complex and repetitive tasks, freeing employees to focus on even more strategic work.
  • Improved decision making: AI can analyze large volumes of data and make smarter, more accurate decisions.
  • Greater agility and scalability: Intelligent Automation solutions are highly scalable and can adapt to the changing needs of companies.
  • Innovation and creation of new products and services: AI can be used to develop new products and services that were not possible before.


  • Automating customer service with AI-powered chatbots: Answer frequently asked questions, resolve technical issues, provide personalized support, etc.

Marketing and Sales Automation

We use tools to automate repetitive tasks in the marketing and sales areas, such as campaign management, lead generation and customer follow-up.

    Benefits and Examples

    What is it?
    Marketing and Sales Automation uses tools to automate repetitive tasks and optimize the sales cycle. This allows companies to reach more potential customers, nurture leads, and close more sales efficiently.


    • Increased lead generation: Automation can help businesses generate more high-quality leads through email marketing campaigns, web forms, and social media.
    • Higher sales conversion: Automation can nurture leads in a personalized way and automate lead tracking, increasing the chances of closing sales.
    • Improving customer satisfaction: Automation can provide faster and more personalized customer service, improving customer satisfaction.
    • Cost reduction: Automation can eliminate the need for additional staff for manual marketing and sales tasks, reducing operating costs.


    • Email marketing campaign automation: Send personalized emails to leads and customers based on their interests and behaviors.
    • Lead management automation: Capture leads, segment them and nurture them until they are ready for sale.
    • Automation of lead nurturing: Send personalized and relevant content to leads to keep them interested in the company and its products or services.

    Business Process Automation

    With BPA we focus on the optimization and automation of complete processes to improve business efficiency and effectiveness. Use technology to automate complex workflows and processes.

    Benefits and Examples

    What is it?
    Business Process Automation (BPA) focuses on optimizing existing business processes, identifying and eliminating inefficiencies and redundancies. Through an exhaustive analysis, processes are redesigned to be more efficient and effective, using technological tools to automate manual tasks.


    • Increased efficiency and productivity: Optimizing business processes reduces the time and resources required to complete tasks, increasing efficiency and productivity.
    • Quality improvement: Optimized processes are less prone to errors and produce more consistent results.
    • Cost reduction: Eliminating inefficiencies and redundancies can generate significant savings in operating costs.
    • Greater agility and scalability: Optimized processes are more flexible and scalable, allowing companies to quickly adapt to changes in the market.


    • Automation of loan approval processes: Analysis of loan applications, verification of information, approval or rejection of applications, etc.
    • Automation of order management processes: Order receipt, inventory allocation, order shipping, delivery tracking, etc.
    • Supply chain process automation: Supplier management, inventory tracking, delivery route optimization, etc.

    IT Automation

    We automate tasks and processes in the field of Information Technology, for example infrastructure management, implementation of services and helpdesk.

      Benefits and Examples

      What is it?
      IT Automation focuses on the automation of manual and repetitive tasks related to systems administration, network management and technical support.


      • Greater efficiency and productivity: Automated processes reduce time spent on manual tasks, freeing IT professionals to focus on more strategic work.
      • Cost reduction: Automation can eliminate the need for additional staff for manual tasks, reducing operating costs.
      • Improved service quality: Automated processes are more consistent and less error-prone, improving IT service quality.
        Increased system availability: Automation can help prevent system outages and failures, increasing the availability of systems for users.


      • Automation of software and patch installation: Deploy software updates and security patches automatically and efficiently.
      • Systems Monitoring Automation: Monitor the performance and health of IT systems in real time to detect and prevent problems.
      • Troubleshooting Automation: Automate common troubleshooting tasks, such as resetting passwords and troubleshooting connectivity issues.

      HR, Finance and Accounting Automation

      We use tools and algorithms to automate processes such as payroll management, recruiting, accounting and financial management.

        Benefits and Examples

        What is it?
        HR Finance and Accounting Automation uses tools to automate manual and repetitive tasks related to payroll, billing, financial management and human resources.


        • Greater efficiency and productivity: Automated processes reduce time spent on manual tasks, freeing employees to focus on more strategic work.
        • Error Reduction: Automation minimizes human errors, improving the accuracy of payroll, invoicing, and financial reporting.
        • Increased regulatory compliance: Automation can help companies comply with financial and human resources regulations.
        • Better decision making: Automation can provide accurate, real-time data for strategic decision making.


        • Payroll and Benefits Management Automation: Calculate and process payroll, manage benefits, and make payments to employees and vendors.
        • Automation of expense management: Collect, approve and process expense reimbursement requests.
        • Automation of financial reporting management: Generate accurate and real-time financial reports for decision making.
        • Automation of human resources management: Recruit, hire, incorporate and manage human talent.

        The benefits of effective Digital Automation


        Automate processes and reduce errors


        Personalize services and improve the satisfaction OF YOUR CUSTOMERS


        Provides information in real time


        Optimize operations and reduce expenses


        Positions favorably against the competition


        Encourages adaptation and development of new products

        Ready to digitally automate your business?

        Schedule a meeting with us and discover how we can help you achieve your strategic objectives with innovative digital solutions.